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Dazbo Help - I've bought a melodeon! (27) RE: Help - I've bought a melodeon! 30 Jul 07

Brilliant! Another convert to the best instrument in the world:-) It's amazing how good you can sound with a simple tune and bass accompaniament.

The Dave Mallinson book is good for a D/G starter and there are also ones by George Garside, Maggie somebody and some bloke with a beard (best ask on the forum on - it comes up regularly starter books).

The JK videos are available on one DVD now, I've not found them too helpful to learn basics from as I prefer to work from music rather than by ear still a very useful reference work though. I sometimes play them just for enjoyment.

My best tip for learning is don't put it back in its box unless you have to - keep it handy at all times.

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