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GUEST,Big Mick Bruce Murdoch on the radio (155* d) RE: Bruce Murdoch on the radio 09 Aug 07

I am moved back to Michigan, Bruce, and overcoming a ton of problems that come from leaving a house for 2 1/2 years. Add that to the fact that my current assignment involves Smithfield and organizing slaughter/packinghouse workers in South Dakota, northwestern Iowa, and northeastern Nebraska, which means I fly out on Monday, and fly home on Friday, and it makes it difficult to get it done. But we are managing. I am playing a bit of music out here, and coming to know some Mexicano musicians, which ought to have an interesting influence on my music. I am having to use my Spanish, which I haven't done on a daily basis in some years, but it is coming back nicely.

Ah ..... the life of a union organizer/folksinger. It ain't fer everyone, but it is who I am. Hope we get the chance to sing together one day. I wanted to make the Canadian gathering so badly, but I just couldn't squeeze it in with the move.

All the best,


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