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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Spider Tom The words are hatched, I'm still sitting (17) The words are hatched, I'm still sitting 16 Apr 00

Max and Bert, I'm writing a bit of a song for the radio show
Heres the words i'll send it all when I find the tune and a way.

Radio Song.

Mudcat radio, there you go,
You'll grow to love it, don't ya' know,
Just tune in, to the show.
Listen through the rain and snow.

Mudcat, Mudcat's, where it's at
Rideing high, never flat,
And it will never scare your kat.
Keeps you sitting where you're sat.

Mudcat Radio, I'm alert,
Seen 'em sitting, Max and Bert,
Playing songs, and mixing dirt.
The camera, was feeling hurt.

Mudcat Radio, speed and haste,
Make my world, a smaller place,
Nothing so good goes to waste.
Tell me how to cut and paste.

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