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Muttley Tommy Emmanuel: the best guitarist ever (39) RE: Tommy Emmanuel 21 Aug 07

Helen wrote: Maybe it's really like the rats in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy .....

Sorry Helen - Snuffy is correct - they were, in fact mice - Benji Mouse and I can't remember the other one ?Jimmy or something; someone 'borrowed' my set and hasn't returned it - and with my short term memory loss I can't recall who it was ... bugger it!

And Ritchie wrote: It seems that 'our' investment in setting up Oz is starting to pay dividends.

Again; sorry Ritchie; but Tommy Emmanuel is actually Koorie by birth - Aboriginal. So as Helen says: Maybe he WAS back over there checking on your progress!!! Still any nation that can produce both Liverpool AND Celtic FC's can't be all bad (unless you take Arsenal, Everton and Rangers into consideration)


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