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Franz S. Back to college w/ Joan Baez (14) RE: Back to college w/ Joan Baez 08 Sep 07

MystMoonStruck, do you know why your young friend was disgusted by Joan Baez? I'd be curious. I do remember back in those days when we were always so sure and righteous in our judgements that sometimes I'd do a supercilious put-down of "Joanie", but I can't remember why except that it seemed cool to do so. For my sins I ask forgiveness.

I have those first two albums and a bunch of her other stuff. My favorite now is "Gracias a la Vida", which helped me through some rough times a quarter of a century ago.

I never met her, but I do feel that we've been in a lot of the same places, walked many of the same walks, and sung the same songs (not that I'm a singer, except in the sense that everyone is). The greatest single moment was Christmas Eve in 1978, just after Jonestown and the Harvey Milk/George Moscone asassinations, when San Francisco was in deep shock. My wife and I took our two young daughters, 2 and 4, to City Hall where Baez was singing and hundreds of people with candles were singing with her. It was a great healing moment. For that and a lot more I thank her.

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