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GUEST,Brian Peters EFDSS Wins Heritage Lottery Grant (34) RE: EFDSS Wins Heritage Lottery Grant 03 Oct 07

"After that a rule that apportions PRS and MCPS earnings for arrangements of folk music and song 9/10 to the original and 1/10 to the arranger - and gives teh 9/10 to the EFDSS or other designated archives or relevant projects."

Yes, just the job, Mr. Bridge, why not take away the precious royalties that help me to sustain a career in traditional music? Since you're interested in Child ballads, would you agree that I should keep only 10% of the royalty for my arrangements of them - which often run to extensive reworking of both tunes and lyrics, never mind instrumental accompaniments?

But that's off topic. Excellent news as far as EFDSS is concerned.

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