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GUEST,BB Maritime Folk Fest - Portsmouth NH, 29-30 Sep '07 (62* d) RE: Maritime Folk Fest - Portsmouth NH, 29-30 Sep '07 03 Oct 07

Wow, Paul, thanks for the kudos! Clearly, you're a guy who pays a lot of attention!! I think your letter is a wonderful endorsement, and that your point: "tourist board of Portsmouth along with the mayor should be first ones in line to support this music festival" is very well taken.
I wonder if we could use your comments in any correspondence we have with those entities? I wonder if you would be at all interested in writing a shorter but similar letter to the editor of our local paper? I've seen similar, post-event, thank-you letters printed in the Portsmouth Herald before.
And while we're busy thanking each other - THANKS for all the songs! Your participation in all the sings was greatly appreciated!

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