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PeadarOfPortsmouth Guardian calls Ani DiFranco folk singer (208* d) RE: Guardian calls Ani DiFranco folk singer 12 Oct 07

For some perspective, we may want to remember that the perceived erosion of the "folk" designation does have a practical benefit.

After rocking out in my teens and early twenties, I was finally able to appreciate acoustic rock, which led to borderline "folk" performers. And because of the broad use of the term "folk" here in the States, I was eventualy exposed to "traditional" music as well. The each progression got me primed for the next level.

In short, I never would have found Child's ballads if it weren't for performers who are broadly labeled as "folk" ... including Christy Moore, Jez Lowe, Richard Shindell, and, to a lesser degree, Ani DiFranco. (Say "heresy" all you want.)

As a relative newbie, I realize I have LOTS more to learn. Thank goodness that I found mentors who didn't chide me for my ignorance or dismiss me because my understanding of "folk" didn't meet their standards.

From my own experience, I view the broader use of the word "folk" as a good thing because it is an opportunity to engage the next generation who might be interested in learning more. Seems much more productive than simply flaming the Guardian.


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