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GUEST,Grover Lyr Req: On My Father's Side (2 songs) (64* d) Lyr Add: ON MY FATHER'S SIDE (Felecia Shiflett) 14 Oct 07

(Words and music by Felecia Shiflett)

1. Just a young boy in the temple one day
Shared with the doctors. They were so amazed.
Never had they seen one so young speak so swift.
They ask Him many questions. The conversation went like this:

[MALE SPEAKING:] Son, what's your name? [or: What's your name, son?]
[FEMALE SINGING:] On my Mother's side, my name is Jesus.
On my Father's side, they call me Emmanuel.
[MALE SPEAKING:] How old are you?
[FEMALE SINGING:] On my Mother's side, now I'm 12 years,
But on my Father's side, I've just always been.
[MALE SPEAKING:] Where ya from?
[FEMALE SINGING:] On my Mother's side, I'm from Bethlehem,
But on my Father's side, it's New Jerusalem.
[MALE SPEAKING:] What's your plan?
[FEMALE SINGING:] On my Mother's side, I'll be crucified,
But on my Father's side, in three days I will rise,
And I'll sit on [at] my Father's side.

2. He was the Son of God, yet the Son of Man,
And I can't help but wonder just how brother Joseph must have felt [or: wonder how Joseph must have felt]
As through an open door that day he heard his Son reply.
He said, "You see, I am the King of Kings; that's on my Father's side."


In three days I will rise,
And I'll sit on [at] my Father's side. (recording by Liberty)

Link added by Joe Offer: (Village Singers Recording)
[Alternate lyrics in brackets above are from the Village Singers recording]

Songwriter contact information: Felecia Shiflett Music, 48 Stone Mill Walk, Griffin GA USA 30224-5455, 770-233-8888

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