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folk1e BS: Police guilty over Menezes (90* d) RE: BS: Police guilty over Menezes 01 Nov 07

Some of the officers involved have been commended (by the judge) for acting bravely. They were just doing their jobs in a very difficult situation!
1 There seems to have been little underground communication.
2 The victim was not identified as a target, "He is worth a look" dosn't cut it for me!
3 There was a long delay by the armed response team to arrive on site (after covert survilence at the block of flats).
4 False information was released to the public (Nationality / Clothing )
5 He was not stopped until he was on the underground ( a target area for a bomber)
6 He was shot despite having his hands above his head
7 The Chief Constable of the MET was either a liar or deliberately held "incommunicado" until after his press release.
8 The eronious statement by the CC was not recinded for 2 days.

Most of the above points are failures of the system and can be reasonably be called "Systemic Failure". The CC of the MET undermines his position by arguing that ti is not. Maybe everyone involved was doing their best ..... but not everyone was doing a good enough job for me.
Me? ..... I'm just the guy who pays their wages!

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