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PeadarOfPortsmouth Top 5's - go on you know you want to (13) RE: Top 5's - go on you know you want to 09 Nov 07

Based on the lists above, there's clearly a lot more for me to listen to. But my top five albums -- both in terms of influence on me and that I still play frequently -- include in no particular order:

Jez Lowe - Old Durham Road
Christy Moore - Iron Behind the Velvet
Dick Gaughan - Live in Edinburgh
Richard Shindell - Blue Divide
Makem & Clancy - In Concert for top five songs, this would likely change with the wind, but at moment:

Little Musgrave - Planxty (from the recent reunion concert DVD)
My Get up and Go - Pete Seeger (Headlines and Footnotes)
Ballad of Mary Magdalen - Cry, Cry, Cry (w/ Lucy Kaplansky on vocals)
'52 Vincent Black Lightning - Greg Brown (The Live One)
Go, Lassie, Go - The Clancy Brothers (Reunion)

Odd that three of those five songs are live versions...



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