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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,strad What makes a good tune? (24) RE: What makes a good tune? 21 Nov 07

There is certainly a difference in quality of tune I'm writing now over what I wrote say five years ago. I also think I have developed my own style as people recognise a tune as one of mine when I slip it into a session. Since I joined the ranks of househusbands I write a lot more tunes and it doesn't get any easier but they do get better.

Most of my playing these days is for dancing and visualising what dancers are doing when I tidying up a new tune is a help. I just wish I knew where the tunes come from. Sometimes I can wake up in the morning with a complete tune running through my head. This may well have something to do with the hours and hours spent writing. It's great fun anyway. Maybe one day I'll make some money from them!

Thanks to all contributing.

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