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GUEST,Visitor Pre Schoolers' music (27) Pre Schoolers' music 04 Jan 08

For the past year I have been doing the Children's story hour at a local public library. I generally have a large format edition of a book to read, and bring my guitar and play music. With the story hour scheduled during regular school hours the audience is of pre-school age, mostly two and three year olds. Although I'd spent 20 years teaching ten year olds, my initial outings were a struggle, trying to remember the attention span and developmental stage of the tiny ones. I've adapted, adn things are successful, but I'm looking for new songs that are age-appropriate, preferrably with activities to go along with them, or could be adapted. I'll list the songs I use the most.

Put your finger in the air
Jenny Jenkins
Jump Down, Turn Around, Pick a Bale of Cotton
Hokey Pokey
I had a Cat, the Cat Pleased me
This Old Man

Any input would be greatly appreciated

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