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freightdawg BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire? (213* d) RE: BS: So, Who Will Win New Hampshire? 05 Jan 08

For all you Edwards lovers out there I have some questions. First, wasn't Edwards on the ticket with Kerry? And what happened? The day after Kerry chose him he actually lost points in the polling data. Edwards was a no show on the ticket. I have no idea where he campaigned, because he was virtually invisible. Maybe that was Kerry's doing, but as I remember (and this is shady at best) Edwards couldn't even deliver his home state in the general election.

Second, Edwards is building his whole campaign (as he did in the last election cycle) on a *divided* America, not a united America. His rich/poor us/them haves/have nots is diametrically opposed to Obama's message. To combine the two would be fatal. Obama, should he win the nomination, needs a fresh face to go along with his - he needs an optimist and not a social divider, which is exactly what Edwards is.

"A self made millionaire who cares for the little guy." Are you kidding me? Since when is a self made millionaire lawyer concerned about anyone but the one who is paying his retainer? That will be the biggest downfall if Obama makes the mistake to choose Edwards.

Finally, Edwards has the albatross of the last election hanging around his neck. Why choose a proven loser to help propel you to the White House? As I mentioned, Obama (should he continue to win the nomination) needs a voice that will resonate with his, not contrast with his. He needs an optimist, and someone who is not seen as a part of the divided social scene in America. Personally, I cannot think of a worse choice for VP for Obama than Edwards, unless it would be Clinton.

I'm open to have my mind changed here, but as someone who is certainly less than enthralled with the Republican choices I would certainly consider voting for Obama in November. Unless he makes the stupid mistake of choosing Edwards. That would prove to me that his talk is just empty sloganism and he has no more substance than your average convention balloon.


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