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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
freightdawg BS: John Edwards (53* d) RE: BS: John Edwards 07 Jan 08

I posed these questions on another thread, after which Bobert came along and reiterated some of the same points. For those of you so in love with Edwards, answer these questions: Where was he during the last election? As Kerry's pick for VP the ticket actually lost points in some polls following the Dem. convention. Then he virtually disappeared. As Bobert pointed out, he could not even carry his own state (deliver the needed electoral votes) in the general election. Why is he so angry, and how can anyone suggest that a position such as Obama is projecting could be compatible with Edwards' rhetoric? Obama is scoring huge points with his "no more red and blue America" and Edwards is hell bent on convincing everyone that civil war is one cannon shot away. And I have to disagree with those who think Edwards could win the national election. The groups that Edwards is scoring points with are clearly Dem. strongholds (unions, the "poor and downtrodden" lawyers, etc). He cannot speak to the rest of America, as he has no message for us. And he certainly has no evidence to put forward that he can govern in the way in which he speaks.

In Texas vernacular, Edwards is all hat and no cattle. Put him on the ticket and make reservations for a Republican inauguration.

Just my 2 cents worth.


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