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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
freightdawg BS: Memories of the drive-in (55* d) RE: BS: Memories of the drive-in 11 Jan 08

There is a wonderful active drive-in in a little hamlet in southern Colorado that has a motel built against the back fence. You can watch the movie out of your motel room,(complete with stereo sound) or the locals can drive-in. In a similar event to Charley's, we went to see a submarine movie and it started was either Hunt for Red October or Crimson Tide. It was too cool.

As a wee little puppy I remember the beginnings of a lot of Clint Eastwood spaghetti westerns, but darned if I can remember the end of any of them. Me and sis would go in our jammers and conk out before much shootin' ever commenced.


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