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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
freightdawg BS: South Carolina - Whole new ballgame (204* d) RE: BS: South Carolina - Whole new ballgame 11 Jan 08

If all the major players sans Clinton pull out of Michigan in order to take the "moral high ground" and appease the party bosses, how can Clinton claim victory? Her even being in the primary when all the others pulled up stakes smacks of desperation. Deep desperation.

And talk about disaster - if there is a floor fight at the convention (only necessary if the nomination vote count is within a couple of hundred or so) there will be nothing left to win. Talk about a scorched earth.

My take is that Clinton has already lost Michigan no matter how the voting turns out. All Obama and Edwards (or their attack dogs) have to do is smile condescendingly and say, "Of course you won...there was no race."

What say ye?


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