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freightdawg BS: Kucinich v. Texas (62* d) BS: Kucinich v. Texas 19 Jan 08

Since Kucinich seems to be the burr under the Dems saddle these days I thought the following news was interesting.

It seems the Democratic party of the state of Texas demands a loyalty oath of all of its primary candidates that they will "fully support" the eventual nominee. Kucinich crossed the line out when he filled out his paperwork, and the Dems refused to put him on the ballot. He sued, claiming the loyalty oath violated his right to free speech. A judge has just ruled in the state's favor, allowing them to print the ballots without Kucinich's name on it. The judge stated that the party could make and enforce whatever rules it wanted to. Kucinich apparently plans to appeal the decision.

Hey, I'm startin to like this fella. Anybody that can spit in a Texan's eye ain't all bad.

(as FD runs terrified away from the Mrs. FD, a loyal Texas native)

This came from MSN's homepage with a link to MSNBC. I'm sorry I don't do blickies very well or I would do the proper links. Maybe a Mudelf can save me.


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