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GUEST,Walkaboutsverse Walkaboutsverse (989* d) RE: Walkaboutsverse 19 Jan 08

Poem 159 of 230, WINDERMERE - SUMMER 2001

Some thirteen years from my first visit (Then, dropped from hitching, just near; This time, by train and a downhill walk) I arrived at Windermere: On the ferry Miss Cumbria Three, A chill-out trip to Ambleside - Viewing the trees, the farms, the fells, And the more sporty ways to ride. Once there, an uphill walk through the shops Led to a leaf, rock and root track, With a stalactite-like mossy falls, And a bridge - starting the way back. Track-side, gripping the ghyll, ancient woods Shaded what was a sunny day, And the falling stream gave sound strongly - Calming the soul a further way. Then home - again charmed by the thin-stone Minimum-mortar kept buildings, The surrounds of England's largest lake, And movie train-window viewings.

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