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The Mudcat Cafesj

User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Rich Robert Johnson (animation) films at youtube (61* d) RE: Robert Johnson films at youtube 26 Jan 08

I don't come on here much, but it appears that you can't seem to express an opinion of distaste for something, even if done in a polite manner, without it getting thrown back at you.

All they said was something like "I don't like that..." and they got called "narrow minded" and "sanctimonious prigs" (whatever a prig is).

I don't like these "videos" either...

...I await a barrage of insults
    OK, that's enough. We welcome unregistered Guests, if they have something to say. However, we expect them to use a name - and only one name - when posting. We also expect Guests to be on their best behavior, as you would be if you were a guest anywhere in the "real" world. If you want to use a name and you're willing to carry on a rational discussion, you're welcome here. And if you just come here to toot your own horn and get people to visit your Website, two or three times is OK - but once the number nears ten, you're at the point of being considered certifiably obnoxious.
    This discussion and the use of multiple identities got way out of hand, so it has been closed.
    -Joe Offer, Forum Moderator-

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