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Jane of 'ull East Yorkshire acts needed (11) East Yorkshire acts needed 10 Feb 08

Hi there everyone

I wondered if you Mudcatters could help me. I help to run a monthly music/comedy/variety night called Off the Road, at the Adelphi club in Hull. It's proving to be a very popular night.

These nights typically feature a mix of music and spoken word, and we also have drama groups, sketches and circus acts. We're always on the lookout for new acts to appear, and we want to visit some open mic, music and comedy nights around Hull and thereabouts to recruit some new acts - areas such as Beverley, Cottingham, Driffield, over the water to Grimsby, Barton, Goole, Cleethorpes, etc.

We don't have a budget so unfortunately at present we can't pay acts to appear, however we do film each event and give a dvd of it to the acts who performed.

We also occasionally do 'theme' nights, for example our most recent one was a Bob Dylan night with local acts peforming the songs of Bob Dylan and other songs from that era. I would like to organise a folk night some time in the near future so that is another reason for my search!

Any info on open mic nights currently running would be much appreciated. Also if there are any performers out there interested in appearing at Off the Road, please let me know! We want musicians, poets, comedians, storytellers, even gurners would be most welcome!!

I understand that members can 'PM' me on here too? though I don't know how that works cos haven't used that facility yet.

Many thanks,


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