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GUEST,Sedayne (Astray) Folk clubs - what is being sung (156* d) RE: Folk clubs - what is being sung 14 Feb 08

Looking back through my wee book this past couple of months here's what I've been singing in singarounds (Flootweed, Chorlton, Byker and Durham). Note that the first two are what I plan to sing tonight at The Steamer by way of a suitable contribution to Valentine's Day. Also note that I accompany myself on one of two Hungarian Citeras, the Welsh Crwth, and the Turkish Kemence.

Alifib (Robert Wyatt) (Citera Alpha)
The Witch Mother (Child #6) (Citera Alpha)
The Wee Wee Man (Child #38) (Citera Alpha)
Mutton Pie (Unaccompanied)
Dragonfly (Dave Cousins) (Citera Alpha)
Twa Corbies (not the usual one) (Citera Alpha)
Rambling Comber (Citera Alpha)
My Blue Eyed Mountain Queen (Citera Alpha)
Cherry Owld Grye / Poor Old Horse (Unaccompanied duet with Rapunzel)
Thousands or More (Unaccompanied)
Earl Brand (Child #7) (Citera Beta)
The Nateby Babies (Ron Baxter, set to an Almaine from The Baltic Lute Book c/o Roger Nicholson) (Citera Alpha)
A Pilgrims Way (Kipling / Bellamy) (Citera Alpha)
Willie & Earl Richard's Daughter (Child #102) (Kemence)
Woodcutter's Song (Unaccompanied duet with Rapunzel)
The Housecarpenter (Kemence)
The Candlelight Fisherman's Friend (The Candlelight Fisherman sung to my own tune) (kemence)
Marley Hill Ducks (Tommy Armstrong) (Citera Alpha)
King Henry (Child #32) (Crwth)
The Iron Stone (Robin Williamson) (Citera Alpha)
Herod and the Cock (Citera Alpha)
Danny Deever (Kipling / Bellamy) (Citera Alpha)
Binnorie (Child #10) (Citera Alpha)
The Way Through the Woods (Kipling / Bellamy) (Citera Alpha)
Black Dog and Sheep Crook (Crwth)
Cholera Camp (Kipling / Bellamy) (Citera Alpha)
Buy Broom Buzzems (Kemence)
Innocent Hare (Sportsmen Arouse) (Citera Alpha)
Turfman From Ardee (Citera Alpha)
Sir Olaf (Citera Alpha)
The Cruel Mother (Child #20) (Citera Alpha)
King Orfeo (Child #19) (Citera Alpha)
Amsterdam (Brel, partly Schuman, partly me) (Citera Alpha)
Banks o' Sicily (Hamish Henderson) (Citera Alpha)
My Boy Jack (Kipling / Bellamy) (Citera Alpha)
Anne Boleyn (With Her Head Tucked Underneath Her Arm) (Citera Alpha)

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