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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Spider Tom I like sad songs (44) RE: I like sad songs 11 May 00

Thanks to you all for your thoughts and feedback,
this suggests to me that I am not alone, SAD but not alone.
No, it appears I am in good company what a lot of thoughtful insightful people you are.
The next time I am told I am miserable I will have a whole lot of new fuel to fire the arguement. I think the point of emoting, within a song is true, you can really let your head go doing the sad wallowing song.
But if you sing a happy song grinning, giggling and generally laughing, people will think either;He's on something, He's flipped his lid or He's laughing at ME and I will HIT HIM.
Sad songs make people soft and gentle, and even sentimental, thats not bad thats fine.
And to Bert and Mbo, come on you guys, get DOWN!

lov yuz!
Spider Tom.

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