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Gene Burton What is Acoustic Rock? (149* d) RE: What is Acoustic Rock? 20 Feb 08

irishenglish, I don't think we're actually disagreeing on anything here. "folk musicians/singers, and labelled as such"- yes, and with good reason. Jethro Tull I'd place pretty squarely in the category of "folk-rock"; ie. folk songs played with rock instrumentation- a different albeit related genre.

For my own part; all I can say is everybody who's seen me at gigs, open mic nights or wherever and has spoken to me offering a description, would describe me as a folksinger. The vast majority of those who've heard me at my (these days sporadic) forays into folk clubs, too. Never been called acoustic rock by anybody who's listened to more than three bars of my music, which was why yesterday's dig was a new one on me, I must admit. But, like I say,
judge for yourselves

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