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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
freightdawg BS: Good thoughts needed - injured hawk (32) BS: Good thoughts needed - injured hawk 20 Feb 08

This morning on my way to work I saw a clump of red tailed hawk feathers splattered a few feet away from a deceased and partially eaten jackrabbit. I pulled over thinking I would move the hawk over to the side of the road and contact a local native American tribe to see if they wanted to harvest the feathers. As I approached the bird (and dodged traffic at 55 mph) I noticed his (her?? - there was no distinguishing underwear) head following me. Odd, I thought, because there was no wind. Then I realized the poor creature was still alive. I called the Mrs. Freightdawg, and lickety-split she had me on the phone with a NM game and fish officer, who said he was on his way down the very same highway and would be there to collect my patient momentarily. Last I saw of Hawkie he was in a cardboard box, still kicking and I am sure quite miffed at the morning he was having.

A couple of hours later I called the vet clinic that deals with injured wild animals, and to my great relief they were able to stabilize the hawk and get him on a airline bound for Albuquerque, where there is a wildlife rehab center that can care for him.

Anyway - if any 'Catters can channel a good spirit to take care of my little friend I would appreciate it. It just rips me to see one of God's majestic creatures like this bird get mangled by machines they have no defense against and no natural instinct to avoid. One minute he was eating breakfast and the next BAM, and the next thing he knew he was being picked up by some geeky two legged freak show.



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