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Gene Burton Do you think I could be a professional? (57* d) RE: Do you think I could be a professional? 22 Feb 08

Colin, I second Pavane's comment above. I know one or two truly awesome songwriters, greater talents than myself, who in many years of performing have scarcely made a dime or received the slightest bit of recognition. Conversely, I can think of few acts I've seen who really shouldn't be gigging at all IMO. Generally, though I certainly wouldn't say talent wasn't a factor in success; there are other variables like who you know, one's willingness to hob-nob with "the great and the good" (quote marks entirely intentional!), and of course sheer luck or the lack thereof at play too.

For what it's worth, I like your guitar work and melodic style, and I'd say you were in with a shot...BUT there are lots of talented performers around chasing a finite number of bookings, and that's something you need to weigh up. The very best of luck to you, anyway- I'd be glad to listen again.

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