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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Gene Burton Do you think I could be a professional? (57* d) RE: Do you think I could be a professional? 22 Feb 08

Ought to add, BTW, that if you're in the business of promoting your music on public forums like this; if you stick around any length of time you will almost certainly have your efforts trashed by some of our resident Neanderthals. For me, that's something anybody who puts themselves forward leaves themselves open to, but just saying, make sure you keep a thick skin about you and, if it happens, keep your temper. MOST folk here are supportive and open to new music, but there'll always be a few idiots out to foul up the atmosphere for the rest of us. As the saying goes, those that can, do...etc.

Credit to you for having the balls to put yourself out there, anyway.

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