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Gene Burton What is Acoustic Rock? (149* d) RE: What is Acoustic Rock? 24 Feb 08

Nigel, it meant exactly what it means. And no, I assuredly do NOT have myself in mind! (I lack the looks and charisma, and at 27 time, in popular culture terms, is not on my side)   

With respect, anybody who thinks folk is as popular now as it was say in the '60s is IMO a little deluded. We all saw those folk britannia programmes last year, we all saw the archive footage of clubs packed out with young people listening intently to the folk artists of the time...where has all that gone? The festival scene, ah yes, but that's a bit different. Are those audiences being inspired to sing folk songs themselves as the club audiences back then clearly were, or are they merely passive consumers of the "product" in the same way that Winehouse/Mika fans (a hugely bigger group) are? I would posit the latter.

Tha said, we're clearly never going to agree, and I'm too tired to continue arguing about it. Have a pleasant evening...

BTW, people, I'm gonna hit the Pembrokeshire Coast path & enjoy my last week of freedom before (finally!) starting full time work again; so this'll be my last contribution on this thread. Thanks for keeping it going so long...:)

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