For those Democrats salivating over a Clinton/Obama ticket (or any ticket with Clinton at the top), what exactly is your rationalization? Every guestimate and prognostication I have seen says the same thing: without the so-called "super-delegates" Clinton cannot claim the nomination. Right now neither can Obama, but he has one thing she does not: the delegate lead. She has virtually (and some would even say mathmatical) zero chance of overtaking Obama. So, for her to be the nominee it is going to take the power bosses of the party to put her there. And where exactly does the leave the legions of Obama supporters who will view that move as just yet another demonstration of white arrogance over black (un)opportunity? Even if Obama is given the VP slot, he will only be viewed by many as being her "boy." Do you really think the Obama supporters will follow Clinton to the polls based on her racist campaign? For the life of me I cannot, especially if he heads to the convention with the delegate and popular vote lead and she is placed in the top spot by the DNC super delegates. Bottom line: she desperately needs him as VP to secure the black and youth vote, but his very presence as VP destroys that chance. She is absolutely toxic to his campaign. If he were to select her as VP, or have her placed as VP by the bigwigs, he would be renouncing his entire campaign logic: I am the man for change. If the VP has greater name recognition and power within the party because of her connections and party obligations, would it not be accurate to say that the VP is the de-facto lead candidate? Whoever his choice would be, Obama has to choose someone who will look to him for leadership, not look down on him as an inexperienced hack. As has been mentioned, Kennedy chose Johnson, and even Reagan chose Bush (who had the famous "voodoo economics" line about Reagan) but the dynamics of this race are completely different, IMO. Obama cannot associate himself with Clinton and hope to win the moderate/independent vote in this country. Clinton cannot carry Obama's supporters if she is placed in the top spot by a coup in Denver. And the biggest fight - the fight over the delegates in Florida and Michigan - has yet to be fully waged. This could get REALLY interesting! Freightdawg