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Gene Burton A.L.Lloyd and EwanMacColl on my space (24) RE: A.L.Lloyd and EwanMacColl on my space 06 Mar 08

Less well known musicians include the pages for famous and often dead performers in their myspace "top friends" list as a matter of routine. Among younger users (which I imagine comprises the vast majority of myspace-ers) it's generally recognised as a method to signal where one's coming from musically, providing some kind of recognisable context to their own efforts-nothing to do with claiming any kind of direct personal connection with the (ex-) performers concerned.

Of course, music myspace originally grew out of the personal networking side of it, hence the heading "Friends", which I agree is somewhat anachronistic...I'd prefer "Links", but then again I of course don't run myspace (wouldn't need to advertise my gigs or try to flog CDs if I did!) You can find links to Leadbelly, Jake Thackray and Nick Drake among others on mine

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