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Gene Burton Qualified To Be a Folkie? (56* d) RE: QUALIFIED TO BE A FOLKIE? 10 Mar 08

What sort of Folk Music should a real folkie listen to? Anything with a strong melody and intelligent lyrics qualifies.
What sort of, so called, Folk Music should a real folkie not listen to? The Whistling Gypsy Rover. Where Have All the Flowers Gone. And anything by Gene Burton (just in case I'm accused of undue bias or treating the question overly seriously.)
What does a real folkie drink? Real ale or real cider/perry. No lager, wine, spirits or alcopops.
What sort of car would a folkie drive, if any? Ideally none.
What sort of house would a folkie live in? A leaky bedsit, ditch or cave.
Do real folkies need to be computer and internet experts? What's the internet??
Folkie Dress Code? No need to be THAT prescriptive...
Political leaning? Healthy scepticism
Sexual Orientation? (Bluegrass fans can ignore this one)Try anything twice...
Formal Educational Qualifications? None required.
What hobbies do real folkies have? Drinking, hiking, arguments, hand-to-hand combat...but principally drinking.
What is the ideal form of employment for a folkie? REAL folkies are unemployable (see above)
Should folkies be Morris Dancers? Take the fifth...
Married or single? Impossible to live with, thus single
Could a folkie ever be considered a real folkie without a tankard? What's a tankard??

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