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Reiver 2 Origins/lyr: The Grangetown Whale (18) Origins: The Grangetown Whale 11 Mar 08

I checked the Digitrad and can find no mention of the Frank Hennessey song "The Grangetown Whale." There's an interesting and unusual story behing this fine song. I found some information about it a year or so ago, but have lost track of it and would like to regain the story. I can remember only the barest outline. A dead whale is washed up on a beach in Wales, it is loaded on a truck and toured around the country as an exhibit until the rotting carcass becomes too fragrant to continue. So it is (as I remember) buried in or near Grangetown, a suburb of Cardiff. Some years later a major flood inundates much of Grangetown. Frank Hennessey is inspired to write a rollicking tongue-in-cheek song about rowing a small boat around the flooded streets of Grangetown in search of the mighty Grangetown Whale. The chorus goes:

"With the blowin' of his hole and the flourishin' of his tail
You'll never see the equal of the mighty Grangetown Whale."

Do any 'catters know the details of the story of the unfortunate whale that inspired this unlikely gem of a song, or where I could locate the information? Thanks in advance.

Reiver 2

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