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Spider Tom When did your 'folk' switch flip on? (84* d) RE: When did your 'folk' switch flip on? 16 May 00

I LOVE music, especially music that connects with me on some emotional level, folk music does that.
I probably started out with the odd folk song via the school choir, but as I grew found songs you could sing sitting on a bus or around a fire etc.
I was born in 1950 and prior to T.V. in Australia, it was common to hear people singing while they worked.
My Grandmother was half Irish (the singing part I think) she was always singing and telling stories, My uncle was a piano man in a pub, and my Dad played the Harmonica a little, he also had Quite a collection of 78s.,a lot of which were old folk or country.
I sing a bit and always favour records of songs I can sing myself so that keeps me in the folk line to some extent, I also love good lyrics and the thought of singing something that has a true meaning, is inspiring.
But I keep mindful of the fact that FOLK MUSIC is music of peoples through time and dosn't have to be archaic, as some would have you believe.
When did I start listening to folk?

Spider Tom Probably just after being born.

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