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Mark Roffe Advice: High School Reunions. Worth it? (70* d) RE: Advice: High School Reunions. Worth it? 16 May 00

I skipped 'em all until the 30th. Had the time of my life. Loved all those people like brothers and sisters. Billy Crystal attended and we all treated him like the normal kid he'd always been. 'Though I hadn't seen these folks for thirty years, it was like we'd never left, except that we were suddenly closer than ever. I attended school with most of the same people from kindergarden through high school graduation, so I probably spent more time with them over the years than I did with my own family. Anyway, I was hoping we'd have another this year (it would be the 35th), but it turns out we're waiting for the 40th. I won't miss it. I will never miss another one, as long as I have the strength to make it to Long Beach NY from California. My advice is to GO!!!

Mark Roffe

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