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Reiver 2 Origins: 'Lookin' For A Home' - Noah (8) Origins: 'Lookin' For A Home' - Noah 18 Mar 08

Here's one of the songs I mentioned on the Animal Fair thread, that my father used to sing to me when I was a boy. I don't really know what the proper name of it is. I use this name as it's a repeat line that ends each verse;

Lookin'For A Home

Old, Noah he did build an ark,
"    "   " "    "    " "
"    "   " "    "    " "
He built it out of hickory bark,
If you belong to Gideon's band,
Then here's my heart and here's my hand,
Lookin' for a home.

The animals came in two by two,
"    "       "   " "   " "
"    "       "   " "   " "
The elephant and the kangaroo,
If you belong to Gideon's band,
Then here's my heart and here's my hand,
Lookin' for a home.

Then Noah he nailed the hatches down,
(Repeat twice)
And told outsiders they might drown,
If you belong to Gideon's band,
Then here's my heart and here's my hand,
Lookin' for a home.

And when he found he had no nails
(Repeat twice)
He just ran up his own coat tails.
If you belong... (etc.)

For forty days they sailed around,
(Repeat twice)
And then he ran the old scow aground,
If you belong... (etc.)

They landed on Mount Ararat
(repeat twice)
Just three miles south of Barnegat,
If you belong... (etc.)

There may have been more verses but these are all I remember. If ANYONE has ever heard this song, please let me know and if anyone knows anything about it's origin, correct name, etc. please post the info here on the forum. THANKS.

Reiver 2

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