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Reiver 2 Origins: One More River to Cross (12) Origins: One More River to Cross 18 Mar 08

Here's the 2nd of the songs I mentioned on the Animal Fair thread that my father sang to me and taught me as a small boy. Again, it may go under a different name, I use this because it ends each verse. It's similar to the one I posted as "Lookin' For a Home" as it also about Noah and his ark:


Oh, Noah, he did build an ark,
Oh, Noah, he did build an ark,
Oh, Noah, he did build an ark.
He built it out of hickory bark.

CHO: There's one more river,
    And that's the river of Jordan,
    There's one more river,
    There's one more river to cross.

The animals came in one by one,
(Repeat twice)
The elephant chewing a carroway bun.


The animals came in two by two,
(Repeat twice)
The rinocerous and the kangaroo.


The animals came in three by three,
(Repeat twice)
The bat, the bear and the bumble-bee.


The animals came in four by four,
(Repeat twice)
Old Noah got mad and hollered for more.


Again, there may have been more verses, but these are all I remember (after 70 some years). Sometimes he would sing some of the lines as "one wide river" instead of "one more river", just to provide a bit of variety, I think. If anyone knows anything about this little song, please post on this thread. Thanks.

Reiver 2

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