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Reiver 2 Origins: One More River to Cross (12) RE: Origins: One More River to Cross 18 Mar 08

Oooops. My bad. I got this confused with the last one. This one should go:


Oh Noah, he did build an ark,
(There's one more river to cross)
He built it out of hickory bark,
(There's one more river to cross).

CHO: There's one more river,
    And that's the river of Jordan,
    There's one wide river,
    There's one more river to cross.

The animals came in one by one,
(There's one more river to cross)
The elephant chewing a carroway bun,
(There's one more river to cross)


The animals came in two by two,
(There's one more river to cross)
The rinocerous and the kangaroo,
(There's one more river to cross)


The animals came in three by three,
(There's one more river to cross)
The bat, the bear and the bumble bee,
(There's one more river to cross)


The animals came in four by four,
(There's one more river to cross)
Old Noah got mad and hollered for more,
(There's one more river to cross)


That's it!. Just ignore the lyrics posted in my earlier post on this thread. Those songs are so similar that it's easy (for me, at least) to get them mixed up.

Reiver 2

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