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GUEST,Eileen Glasson Maritime Weekend - Easter 08 (145* d) RE: Glasson Maritime Weekend - Easter 08 26 Mar 08

I'd like to add my congratulation to the festival organisers. The criticism was totally unwarranted. It was our first visit to Glasson and the warm atmosphere more than made up for the cold weather - I've been colder and wetter at festivals in May than over the Easter weekend which was, at least, bright and sunny most of the time! We spent two hours on Saturday in the marquee and thoroughly enjoyed the performances despite the cold. The performers, sound engineers and organisers all did a splendid job. I can understand the pubs not wanting to give up their regular food trade over the weekend and they were available on an evening - the Stork in particular was an excellent venue. I hope that the festival does continue despite opposition from some quarters.

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