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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Gene Burton Our ghastly folk tradition (636* d) RE: Our ghastly folk tradition 30 Mar 08

"Perhaps what you actually mean, Gene, is that they're not booking you."

This is the kind of remark I'd anticipated when I requested that this should be discussed "without resort to snideness or personal remarks". I've made my current position with regard to the folk scene and bookings clear on other threads, and can't be arsed to do so again.

This stuff is a lot bigger than my career or anybody else's. Provided I can retain the joy of singing, I really couldn't give a toss if I never earned another penny (I've actually earned more in the last year than in any previous year, though admittedly it is all relative). But I do worry that our musical heritage is being allowed to dwindle and wither by those supposedly dedicated to its propagation.

I do hope others feel able to discuss the points I've raised more constructively. For now, though, I'm off to bed. SWEET dreams, people.

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