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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
folk1e BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke (107* d) RE: BS: So he may have been right after all(David 30 Mar 08

"4. Therefore Jesus is within David Ickes, just as much as any of the bacteria or other micro organisms that make up his body are.
....6. Therefore there is nothing logically wrong with David admitting he is Jesus.

Ya gotta learn how to think clearly about these things, fellas!" ........... Amos

Well if we were to stretch logic that way ..... Every molecule given out by all of the "famous" ie Michaelangelo, Leonardo .. et al have been floating round our biosphere to the extent that every breath I take contains at least one molecule of each of them! That means that in all probability I myself am part Jesus/Michaelangelo/ Leonardo/ .. et al!
There how can you cope with that?
Of course you contain the same amount as me (given normal variables) so we are all one big happy family arn't we!

As far as I am aware you can not "clone" two separate species, or even two separate individuals. Chimera's though are a different matter!
Are the lizard metamorphs able to appear mammalian? Or do they need to bask in the sun before sucking our brains out? If they are so good at mimicing us does he know? A visit from Will Smith in a black suit? Or the writing of Nostradamus??

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