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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Gene Burton Our ghastly folk tradition (636* d) RE: Our ghastly folk tradition 31 Mar 08


Thanks for the words of support; and all the best to you in the quest to re-establish yourself. I don't think anybody has a divine right to make a big fat living out of music, either; but a nice guy deserves a few breaks, so good luck.

Let me assure you, I'm far from disillusioned- I still live and breathe for music, just that the folk scene isn't my main forum at present. There'll always be those who believe any criticism of how things are run, however reasoned and valid, are merely expressions of thwarted ambition; but I can honestly say I've really never TRIED to do it full-time. I've never been one for sending off demos, badgering club/festival organisers etc. (it's all too NEEDY, somehow- just my personal thing, not a criticism of anyone who does differently); and I emphatically don't DO schmoozing...which kind of limits my opportunities! Still, if clubs feel moved to contact me for bookings (which does happen sporadically, believe it or not!), I'll talk.

BTW, sorry if some of my earlier comments came across as knocking older performers; that certainly wasn't what I intended. But age IS an issue insofar as a lack of young audiences (and a lack of long-term financial viability for younger full-timers) will inevitably hasten the demise of our music; because I'm afraid most of your lot are gonna be dead-ed long before most of mine... (no offence...just saying, like...)

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