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Gene Burton BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke (107* d) RE: BS: So he may have been right after all(David Icke 04 Apr 08

Well, I think people chipped in because they had strong views either in favour of, against, or doubting the very existence of, acoustic rock (the latter coming closest to my own view). And, for me, because I saw an opportunity to put in a couple of links like this ("Judge For Yourselves") and garner a few CD sales on the side...:))   

Seriously, though, all I can say is, I generally don't chip into discussions (either here or in real life) unless I have at least some degree of interest in them...I have very little interest in US domestic politics, for example, thus you won't find my name on any of those threads. I don't understand why people would want to pass comment on a matter of complete indifference to themselves; and I suspect (as Little Hawk suggests) that some of the scoffers on here are, privately, really grappling with some of the issues Icke raises. And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that! In my experience, particularly where spiritual matters are concerned, it really is better to have an open mind than a closed one...

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