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GUEST,Fliss Stevens Lyr Req: christening day of a child princess (18) RE: Lyr Req: christening day of a child princess 21 Apr 08

On the christening day of a child princess, most beautiful ever seen,
Came a party of guests to the palace feast by order of king and queen.
Six good fairies waved their wands, weaved their magic spells,
Gave the child their wondrous gifts, wished the princess well.

But a wicked old witch they did not invite was angered to prophecy
That the tiniest prick on her fingertip would cause the princess to die.
One good fairy saved her wish, soothed the royal tears,
[Bade the folks their lovely child] should sleep a hundred years.

(Not sure of bracketed words.)

This is all I can remember. It was in BBC “Time and Tune” for schools booklet (Sleeping Beauty), Autumn 1972. I have been trying to get hold of a copy for years, but to no avail.

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