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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Spider Tom The belly button (27) RE: The belly button 23 May 00

The truth is there was ALWAYS a belly button.
Yes, Adam and Eve had 'em,God made Adam and Eve,
To get a neat crease at the bottom, a celestial thread was stitched through the belly, out the back near the base of the spine, pulled tightly down between the legs and then back out through the original hole at the belly where it was knotted(A slight variation on this theme was used further on Eve, we could discuss that on another thread).
Of course this was necessary as what would we look like with no Ass?
You just wouldn't wear jeans for a start, and a pushbike would be impossible to ride without slipping off.
Design is always an important factor, the Lord works in mysterious ways, the button to include.
I specialise in Adam and Eve they are distant Relatives, I believe.
Sinsul... mines an innie, I was tightly knotted, and still am.
To lesson the blue fluff collecting in the navel, shave a 2inch circle around the belly button, research has found this to stop the fluff collecting, but be warned, keep it shaved close as a willing lover soon loses the urge if they find their own navel being sanded by stubble.

Spider Tom (still Pondering)

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