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GUEST,Sedayne (Astray) Nic Jones - Analysis of Little Musgrave (74* d) RE: Nic Jones - Analysis of Little Musgrave 22 May 08

with the greatest respect have you lost your marbles,too much talking to Walkabout verse.

Quite possible, Dick, although WAV is known to me personally & quite the personable chap he is too despite his somewhat cranky Mudcat persona!

Seriously though, in my professional work as a storyteller I'm constantly researching & evaluating the morphology and dynamic of traditional narrative & the elements therein that determine the effectiveness thereof. This is pretty much a constant actually, something that will out as it were, be it in The Tain, Buile Suibhne, or the over-arcing sagas of modern day soap-operas - stereotyped characters, sensational plots and all!

Otherwise, I couldn't agree with you more about television & it's impact on more traditional pastimes & culture as a whole, but being born in 1961 I'm afraid I was raised on it! Times I've done without it quite nicely though, and no doubt will do again, but right now with our 50% operative digibox I'm happy enough.

Love the YouTube stuff by the way - slowly working my way through it...

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