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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
GUEST,Sedayne (Astray) Walkaboutsverse (989* d) RE: Walkaboutsverse 25 May 08

go through my myspace Comments if you wish

Myspace is interesting on all sorts of levels as maybe the only place entirely devoid of actual criticism, negative or otherwise. It seems to operate on a level of mass sycophancy in which every exchange is reduced to the most superficial honk if only by way of giving to get back. A similar thing existed on ebay until the rules regarding feedback were changed, now things are a bit more honest. On YouTube, for whatever reason, the comments are always honest, and all the more valuable because of that. I have a policy of leaving all comments on my YouTube films, positive or negative - in fact, the more colourful the better really.

One would, therefore, advise caution in attaching any sort of critical significance to ones Myspace Comments, unless one needs that level of superficial flattery by way of a personal fix, which is, of course entirely possible, otherwise, I dare say, Myspace would be quite the phenomenon that it is. The quantitative element is the most worrying; I've always believed that less is more, and as that great poet Mark E. Smith once wrote: there are five people in the world, the rest are paste.

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