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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
MarcB St. Patrick's Day, '98 (8) RE: St. Patrick's Day, '98 11 Mar 98

Hey Bert, Good on ya. Where are ya?

I reread my first message and realized that I've got stop writing these at 2 in the morning. My syntax goes to hell!

I'm flying to Seattle in the morning(I live in Dallas) ostensibly on a business trip but really to sing(well, actually to both). Will hook up tomorrow night with old friends and partners, The Magical Strings and William Pint & Felicia Dale. Practice. Practice. Practice.

We're all playing a concert in Spokane, WA on Friday night. Will be a nice chance to play and sing in a situation where people can hear. Best get the quiet stuff off my chest.

Saturday night and then all day and night St. Patrick's Day William & Felicia and I(and a fiddler named Gary Haggarty) will be at the new Jake O'Shawnessy's in Bellevue, WA. I mentioned in my first post that the original Jake's is where I had my first "big city" professional gig. Had done coffee house, concert work and artist-in-residence stuff out in the county I'm originally from before that.

I'll let you know how it goes as it goes. Sure wish I could come to the corn beef and sing along!

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