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Franz S. Utah Phillips Tribute May 31 - Nevada City, CA (36) Utah Phillips memorial remembered 02 Jun 08

Okay, I guess I'll start it, though I feel pretty presumptuous in doing so.

Saturday night at the Oddfellows Hall in Nevada City CA, a dozen or so members of the Rose Tattoo and about 200+ friends, family, and fans gathered to pay tribute to Utah Phillips. It was a long and emotional evening. The music was fine and the memories good and the tears flowed, but it didn't really seem that most people were sad. People choked up a lot, but we were celebrating. Utah's sons Duncan and Brendan had just been inducted as the newest members of the Rose Tattoo.

At the memorial on the Little League field Sunday morning a few hundred people sang and listened to (and told) stories, and there were even some that I hadn't heard before. The Little League team threw the first pitch and later autographed the ball. John McCutcheon made a truly beautiful and elegant speech.

"To you, beloved comrade, we make this solemn vow:
The fight will go on. The fight will still go on."

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