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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Spider Tom Why are Americans so fat? (176* d) RE: Why are Americans so fat? 31 May 00

What rudeness!
Surely we in the cyber-spaces talking of fatness as if it mattered.
The answer as to why Americans are so fat is the same answer as to why anyone is so fat.
Fat is neccessary to stop the skin from hanging about the ankles, if skin didn't stretch we would never be fat because we would ache as soon as we ate.
Imagine troops of saggy skinned joggers tripping on their own baggy bottoms as they ran, noy a pritty sight and if you were unlucky enough to stamp on your own ass-hole then the shit would really fly.
So I say, a little less of this fat talk.
The consequences of the alternative could be far worse.
I of course am a perfectly proportioned person, as you can see by my writing.
Spider Tom (Web-sailing)

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