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User Name Thread Name Subject Posted
Spider Tom What is it with the English? (127* d) RE: What is it with the English? 31 May 00

FOLK is a four letter word!
To many young people (who are in my opinion extremely conservative),it conjurs up images of dullness and the staleness, of a time they have no thoughts of.
we know the truth is different to this but who searches for truth in these times as media blitzes cut down heroes like trees and spread lies like butter.
I believe the problem lies in the fact that most youth are made felt like they are something outside society, not within.
Also so many folkies seem to dwell only on the past, singing songs no one could identify with unless they lived in a time warp, I sing songs about things I know as do many of you, that is the way forward, but how to get the young to listen with an open mind?
Have they EVER?
Spider Tom (folking amazed)

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